Implicit Blog

Speed up your typing using Backspace and Delete

Did you know Backspace and Delete do not have the same function? The simple difference between backspace and delete is that backspace is used to remove anything to the left of the cursor, and delete is used to remove text to the right of the cursor. Shown below is how...

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How to pin notes in Daylite

Notes allow users to record and recall important information, whether that be taken whilst in a meeting or just used as a memory bank. Using Daylite, notes can be linked directly to an individual and/or company allowing for easy recall when required. However, we have...

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Auto Correct and Text Replacements

Whether you like it or not, auto correct is here to stay. At times, you may find it to be a pain as words that you have meant to type are auto corrected to something different. However, by using it to your advantage, it can be a game changer when it comes to time...

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Removing multiple people from a group on Daylite

Follow our guide to removing multiple people from a group at once: This is the most efficient way to remove numerous people from a group at once. It is an extremely useful time save when working with large amounts of people in a group and there is no limit on the...

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Making the most of Daylite: Shortcuts

Shortcuts are brilliant tools that allow users to undertake numerous actions as quickly and efficiently as possible. In this article, we will outline some of our favourites that we feel can maximise your user experience on Daylite.     Edit - Cmd + E :...

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How to add an email signature on Apple Mail

Follow our step by step guide to add an email signature in Apple Mail on macOS.   Step 1) You will receive your email signature in a long text html format, which will start with <div> and end in <div>. Step 2) Go to and...

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Making the most of Daylite: Recent Items

One handy tool in Daylite that you may not be aware of, is the 'recent items' menu which is located in a drop down menu from 'File' in the top left corner of your screen.   This menu is an extremely useful feature that allows for fast recall when jumping back and...

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How To Setup FileVault on Your Mac

In this article, we offer a step by step guide into how to turn on FileVault on MacOS. FileVault is MacOS' built in encryption tool, which encrypts all of your computers data and adds an extra layer of security, as it prevents any individuals from decrypting or...

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How to create a macOS date shortcut

In this article, we will outline how to create a date shortcut using automator, which allows the user to instantly and easily label a piece of writing with the current date and time in shorthand. This is a really nifty tool to have at your disposal which is sure to...

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Taking the stress out of getting your work done

Taking the stress out of getting your work done

We’ve all got “stuff” to do. Whether that’s home stuff, work stuff, life stuff or just… stuff. And that stuff can be stressful if we let it get out of control. If we don’t get on with things, then our brain usually will remind us about it at the most inconvenient...

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In praise of the Humble Notebook

In praise of the Humble Notebook

Remember the days when personal computers, smart phones and iPads didn’t exist? Whilst some of you will be nostalgically drifting back to simpler times, others will be thinking ‘What? When? In the Stone Age?’. Bear with me a little while, I promise there’s something...

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Make Time Your Friend

Make Time Your Friend

Make time your friend. Time is a finite resource and the allure of distractions surround us all. But you can take back control by limiting distractions, choosing a highlight for your day in Daylite and focussing on it with laser attention.

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Newsletter – Autumn 2020

Newsletter – Autumn 2020

Announcing Daylite compatibility for Big Sur and Apple Silicon. New Daylite features – Calendar integration, GTD Next Actions, Dark Mode, Harmonizely scheduling.

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